Finally, A Closed System.
The System being my back yard, and closed meaning completely fenced. Giving no way for kids or dogs to get in or out, well except for climbing, digging, chainsaws, or matches. I really like the gate even with its inherent problems, see Measure once. MC 84/70
Pork Parmigiano
Pork tenderloin (I buy the whole roast and cut off what I need) 16 oz bottle of Italian dressing (cheap is good) 1 cup Grated Parmigiano-Reggiano (not the green can crap) 2 Tbls Kosher salt (believe me there is a difference) Cube pork tenderloin into 1 inch cubes Place meat into a non-reactive container Pour […]
Measure Once…
Something, something. For my more gentle readers I am now going into edit mode. STUPID, @#$@!$^&, PIECE OF PUTRID, SON OF A KETCHUP, ROTTEN CAT EATING measuring tape. I checked, and rechecked to make sure that my posts for the gate was plumb and true. I went to build the gate and measured again and […]
Because Exxon Was Hurting (The EDV)
I find it tough to watch the shareholders of the oil industry take such a beating as their companies struggle to make a profit. So in the interest of the greater good I bought an gas guzzling monster 1998 Ford Expedition or as I call it the EDV Exxon Donation Vehicle. The way I look […]
I’m Much Too Young…
To feel this damn old. Apparently, digging 3 32 inch holes and mixing 240lbs of concrete to set the last of the posts will kick my butt. However, my fence posts look great. Three post holes and the fence is done; well at least the hard part. By the end of the week the whole […]
Free Water, As If From Heaven
I love rain, I love rainy days and Mondays, even though they bring me down, I love a rainy night, I love raindrops that keep fall’n on my head. You get the idea. It has been rainy and overcast the past couple of days, it is my favorite weather. Probably because I grew up in […]
I Hate My Sprinkler System
The front where I have the cheap little popups work okay. The back where it is covered by the big expensive rotary head always looks horrible. So I went to Lowes and bought a self timing pulse sprinkler MS 92/61
One Of My Favorite Saturdays Of The Year
Miss Margene’s Spring Dance Concert MS 89/57
Home Depot
Went to Home Depot and spent a bundle. $842.00 well its a bundle to me. I got the last of the materials for the fence and gate. stuff to build a picnic table Cement 1/4 backerboard (probably not usable for the shower), but I wanted to put a ceramic tile mosic on the picnic table. […]
Garden’s In
Finally, 2 Jolokia 4 Bell 4 Roma 4 Sugar 4 Brandywine 2 Parsley MS 84/61