Learning without caffeine
I am trying to do this MCSE boot camp for without the use of Caffeine so far has been very tough. I am having a hard time focusing, and shoving this info into my brain. It has also entropy also. PC 63/46
Flying, NOT Natural
I dislike flying. Shoving 50 people into a tin can, then filling the can up with an explosive liquid and lighting the fuse is just WRONG. Once I got into San Fran’s airport. I walked around like a chicken with, well you know. Finally, I found where I could check my bags, and found my […]
Busy Day
Today was a real busy day. I put the pre-emergent on the lawn. We planted our seeds in the heated greenhouse. We planted 6 romas # bell peppers # grape tomatoes # Nu-Mex Twilight # Bhut Jolokia # Brandywine tomatoes 6 FLOWER 6 FLOWER 6 FLOWER Then I had to pack and get ready for […]
Training, Training, and more Training
March is going to be the month of training for me. Currently, I am in a variable data training so that we can do print on demand right from a database or from a file that has formatted data. Next week I am off to San Francisco for an MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer) training […]
A Caffeine Free Week
It has now been exactly one week since my last ingestion of Caffeine. I can say that I feel different, still tired, but not as blue. I am having a very difficult time concentrating, and spelling. However, I am afraid that this experiment is working like I was afraid that it would I feel better. […]
White Light Flashing Acrossed the Sky
Christy got to experience one of the coolest things ever last night, lighting in a snowstorm. If you have seen it then you know what I am talking about. The way the whole sky explodes into a brilliant white and then slowly fades away only to have another burst light everything again. It is a […]
Lent Sucks!!
While I am not Catholic, I love the tradition of Lent. Lent is the 40 days prior to Easter to obverse Lent one gives up something for that 40 days and prays at the times of craving. I gave up Caffeine (not that Mountain Dew has had a part in my identity). It has been […]
Utah Weather
Yeah OK it is cliche, but Utah weather is crazy sometimes. Saturday and Sunday had high in the mid-50’s and lows in the 40’s with perfect clear blue skies. I wake up this morning to 3 inches of snow and no chance to put the pre-emergent down. That folks is what happens when you procrastinate. […]
Banner Day
Today was a banner day for the Angry Gardner. This is the first entry that actually has anything to do with my gardening “skills.” I bought ($15) some Scotts turf builder with a pre-emergent. I hope to put it down on Monday to ruggerize my lawn, unless the grounds keeper at work has disguided me […]
Talking Heads
One of the strangest dichotomies of the times that we live in is the love/hate relationship we seem to have with the media. Last night someone for whatever reason walks around Trolley square mall in Salt Lake City shooting people. Instantly the local nbc station and I’m sure all the other news stations went to […]