- #WWII ration stamps. #utah #binghamcoppermine #igutah http://t.co/jYvobS7Y #
- So, home made dilly-beans For The Everloving Win!! #
- @lacylange wow somebody loves you. Cc @charliemai #
- @spangborn mmmm chocolate milk and pancakes. #
- TWSS RT @youtah: My next home WILL include a rotating bed with a view. #
- @BelindaOlsen @spangborn that is not what makes you awesome… knowing me however is a different story. #
- Looks like some kind of sci-fi bad guy. Really it's a mining drill bit. http://t.co/1QWVF3aY #
- 320 tons and and a school bus. #binghamcoppermine #utah http://t.co/A6K2zEVK #
- "BE" where you are at." Paraphrased good advice from Bishop Stevenson's father. #mormon #lds #
- Good morning. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) Well after all it is Friday! #
- "Brinner" is served. Waffles and buttermilk syrup for dinner. #food http://t.co/8zl2rKNy #
- @sunnyhunt That is … unfortunate. #
- @sunnyhunt Video or it didn't happen. #
- My friend got a free piece of pie from @pennyannscafe for giving them a throw away email address. What do I get for an actual follow? #
- I knew I should have stay with my first instinct this morning, and stayed home in bed. #
- if @IAMCAKEMAN doesnt see this awesomeness it is his own stink'n fault. http://t.co/a4ZUpFhH #
- @BelindaOlsen your own or from the farmers market? #
- Introducing Pinterest for Android, iPad and iPhone http://t.co/MeDGDMd2 #
- Hey people its called a phone!!! Use it to contact someone who is not in his office. There is also txt, IM, email, pick one use it!! #
- http://t.co/jpA3H8WY Mythbusters by the numbers #
- @unculturedswine @youtah wow sound awesome. #
- @youtah @unculturedswine I am very curious of the details of this. #
- @unculturedswine Wait until there are little unculturedpiglets running around. #
- @findMiMi And to you as well. 🙂 #
- Sweet little Kaidence received her new heart this morning, her story here. http://t.co/yNkvkDzZ http://t.co/QbAQiIhd #
- Ouch!! Truth why U hurt me. RT @zarias: Q&A Blog :: Same model over & over in your portfolio? You're being lazy. :: http://t.co/Qft3rn0s #
- Ironic magazine article to read at an early morning dentist appointment. http://t.co/6S1PuLLY #
- @BelindaOlsen @unculturedswine I have a friend that recommends Princess. Dad went used them for their Alaska #
- Sleep why you no like me? #
- RT @KariByron: My 1st Shark Week, had to drive around buying ALL the unlubricated "contraceptive balloons" on the island Awkward. #
- Also …. is code for @emihill #
- @emihill That ok the ones I have now are far to effective. You know like if I was only like …. then I would be awesome. #
- I make too many !@#$@#!@#$ excuses. 🙁 #
- @MrsAngryGardner was that our stuff? #
- Sooooo now that we all know that @youtah is evil what are we going to do about it? #thisismyboomstick #
- @youtah I will give you props for that. #
- @youtah did you just Rick'Roll yourself? I think that's illegal in seven states. #
- Good Morning! Can anyone answer 2 questions for me. Why is everyone around me grumpy? Why am I content? #
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