- @youtah I'm sorry, what are you trying to say? #solarbrooms #
- Dishwasher install. I'm doing it wrong. ๐ http://t.co/vIcyLiAn #
- Just looked in the mirror….ugh shouldn't have done that. #lookworsethannormal #
- Ah the glamorous life life of the sys admin. #4am #
- Well new dishwasher install went totally south. Mostly because I can't read a tape measure. Mearsure once cut twice as I seem to do. ๐ #
- @BelindaOlsen Did you finally buy something from @Photojojo #1011001 #
- Something @unculturedswine and I can agree on RT @pixelatedimage: I but I'm selling X100 with adaptor and lens hood. $1000. Anyone want it? #
- @MShaunNelson well I am easily confused. #
- @MShaunNelson What you don't like to get paid. #
- @unculturedswine @mshaunnelson Yes. Baby steps from an artillery piece to a real camera. #
- Hey @unculturedswine @mshaunnelson I understand a real camera intimidates you. Maybe you should upgrade to this http://t.co/2SZprlcT #
- @MrsAngryGardner Love you too. ๐ #
- As long as it's not an artillery piece. RT @georgeloch: @angrygardner @unculturedswine @mshaunnelson My iPhone works just fine #
- @findMiMi Thanks Janey. You really are pretty awesome, you know. @rustin is a lucky guy. ๐ We still want you guys over for dinner BTW. #
- @unculturedswine @mshaunnelson still waiting for the gloves to come off, or are you busy eating you rice krispies. #
- @unculturedswine @mshaunnelson sorry I forgot you use a toy camera too. ๐ #stirringthepot #
- @MShaunNelson are you selling your gear so you can get a real camera? #
- @BelindaOlsen Thanks. If you ask nice there may or may not be some still in my freezer. ๐ #
- On the blog today: One of the best appetizers you can ever eat. Artichoke-Fontina Poppers http://t.co/fMeOB4om #
- I miss my Mom terribly, she would have been 68. Take a minute today and tell someone you love them. You never know how much it can mean. #
- @BelindaOlsen She would have loved you. I really need to start on my digitizing project. #
- Meh morning everyone. :/ #
- That's actually my life motto. ๐ RT @emihill: My phrase for @nathanhill tonight: Don't get mad, get caffeinated. #
- @youtah Don't be sad. Lots of people own minivans and still lead a full happy life. ๐ #
- @MrsAngryGardner never mistake work for productivity. Stupid questions have been flowing into my office all morning. ๐ #
- Uggh productivity=0 today #
- If you missed it yesterday. The recipe for Chile-Lime Lettuce Wraps on my blog now. http://t.co/wHiiAEep They were amazing. #
- It really is.ย RT @unculturedswine: @findMiMi @rustin That is AWESOME!!! #
- @a_n_woodward What you don't have any cardboard boxes in the house. Silverware drawer indeed poor kids. #
- Good morning all. #
- What fun did I decide to cook this weekend Chili-Lime Lettuce Wraps http://t.co/wHiiAEep This was something I could eat all the time so good #
- Trying to decide if its worth digging out the snow shovel tonight. #nah #
- @findMiMi good to hear. ๐ #
- @BelindaOlsen I need to someday, but probably not this one. I am doing the @pictureline walk on the 17th though. #
- When you put it that way. RT @DeathStarPR: A list of all the things Yoda tried (and utterly failed) to do: http://t.co/gq27uNWq #StarWars #
- @Rustin how's the little one feeling? Better I hope. @findMiMi #
- @MrsAngryGardner yes it was. #
- Mt. Dew obtained. Crisis adverted. ๐ http://t.co/J6U7X6WV #
- OK SERIOUSLY if I don't get some Mt. Dew down my throat stat I am going to kill something!!!!! #
- Ah mornings, how I hate thee. #
- @spangborn But then how would we have known that @PeteRugh was talking about trolls. #Publicservice #thegoodofthemanyoutweighthegoodofthe1 #
- Just another preview of an upcoming blog post http://t.co/mDAHZWnP #
- @MShaunNelson Is that why you were in such a good mood today? cc @findMiMi #
- Sprinkled with salt. #instachallenge #jointhefun. @findMiMi @MShaunNelson http://t.co/UiyRZd6L #
- @unculturedswine We'll see what my boss wants to do. #
- @troygroberg 10-15 #
- Hey UT country tweeps I need a good place to lunch in American fork. Working west main st. #
- @rob_neige Just a couple. ๐ #
- I had to interrupt the feeding frenzy in order to tweet out a picture of my Artichoke Fontina poppers. http://t.co/X6JbgiqC #
- I just read my last tweet and the double exclamation points were too loud. They hurt my head. ๐ #
- Ditto RT @RadicalCabbage: No matter how cool your website is, if it blasts my eardrums with music I will not be reading it. #OuchMyEars #
- Migraines suck!! #
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