These are the gears that each month get you your Ensign. I posted this picture because it shows to how important it is to work together.
This has been tough for me decide… But after thinking about it alot and going back through the entries. I have chosen Ross to be the winner of the 25 dollar gift certificate. He was the one that made the most constant effort to go out, and get pictures for the theme each week. That is not to dismiss any participant. I am still in awe of Belinda’s talent, and her pictures were without a doubt the bar to which I tried to get my quality to. Christy was very active and really had some great pictures. Chey was able to capture some very good pictures and it was fun to help her find a great hobby. (By the way we just got an invitation for her to go to the regional Reflection awards ceremony in photography. We are excited). I appreciated everyone that entered anything.
It was alot of work to make it all happen, but if it was worth it to you, it was worth it to me and, I will do all it again. If you want me to do another one please let me know you are going to participate; with any suggestion run it.
Let me know with an email or a comment below.
Thanks again I hope we can do it again.
4 responses to “Photo Challenge Winner”
Ya gotta do it again. Now that I actually have access to a camera I want to join in. Since I don’t even rank a rank amateur you should expect good things.
Thank you for the VERY kind compliment. I loved the photo challenge and love seeing your work! I love that you are constantly reading, trying new things and seem to take your camera with you everywhere. I need to do significantly better with all 3 of those things.
PS Congrats Chey!!!!
I loved the challenge!