
The Aftermath pictures are up.  I know it took me forever.  Sorry.

2 responses to “Aftermath”

  1. I haven’t done a very good job of keeping up with checking out your 365 challenge. So today, when I found myself faced with piles of things to do, I decided I should check up on my ol’ friend Ryan. Procrastination, you’ve led me down another lovely distraction. I really enjoyed the journey – great photos. I admire you sticking with the idea and I think it will be a priceless treasure of the journey you and yours have been on! It’s funny to me how differently something can be viewed…to me, I just grab the point-and-shoot and hope I’m not shaking too much from the diet coke to make the picture blurry. Clearly, there’s a whole world unexplored by me – I’m glad you’ve found so much to enjoy there. Clearly, you have another talent, Renaissance Man!

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