
This is my favorite holiday.  All about the food the way it should be.  This year we went to Fillmore.  The whole family was there.  With the exception of my youngest brother.  He is getting married soon and figured that he would eat with his soon to be in-laws.  Chicken.  Anyways, we got there at 11:30 and met up with Rob and headed for the hills to get a Christmas tree (I love the EDV not that we needed the 4-wheel drive).  After tirelessly looking for almost 5 minutes we found a tree we liked, I had to keep looking though.  You know “For the memories.”  We came back and had a great dinner and some real fun conversation.  My family is a load of fun to be around, and laughing is always in overabundance.  After dinner the kids made gingerbread houses, or code for eating candy until they are sick. Then the drive home.  I got 13 mpg, I hate the <a href=?postid=34>”EDV.”</a>