The brakes on my car have been metal on metal for a couple of weeks. I have loathed to slow down or stop. It was just the back brakes so I still could, stop that is. I knew that the calipers were frozen and every time that happens I end up spending more than 300 dollars, money I I hate to spend. So let the party begin. First tools, I need new tools a Dewalt cordless set, a shopvac, a metric wrench set, and visegrips. Great now I can work. Swear, cuss, and lament. Great! every thing is taken apart. Now how to reset the calipers. Swear, cuss and more lamentations. I need a bigger hammer! Bam, bang, and crash. Sweet it worked!!!! Let the warm fuzzies begin. I was thrilled about it all night. Fixing something that is broken through skill is great. However, there is something even more about a project that you have to reason your way through and still get the desired results is amazing. Brake pads: $30 Tools: $471 Hearing nothing at a stop light: Priceless For those of you keeping track yes I spent 500 to save 3. I am a financial genius!! Postscript 11/29/07: Three weeks later I still great all smilely when I hit the brakes.